Students Win Palm Beach Fellowship Awards

Six students from Western Pines Middle School have won awards in the Palm Beach Fellowship of Christians & Jews annual Essay & Creative Arts Competition.

The supervising teacher for all six students was Steve Gordon of Wellington, who has had a winning record in the contest, open to all Palm Beach County middle and high school students, for several years.

The theme for 2020 was inspired by the Edgar Guest poem, “It Couldn’t Be Done.” Winning students receive a cash prize and special gift, and their teachers also receive a small cash prize to help with school supplies.

Winners from Western Pines include: Brooke Schofield (essay, seventh grade); Nyssa Cesar (essay, eighth grade); Taylor Tolson (art/3D); Ava Lindner (art/painting); Jad Joucedi (music); and Sarah Thapa (photography).

Three Woodlands Middle School students, under the supervision of Leanne Pietrangolare, were also recognized for their work, including: Jonathan Roberts (art/poster); Jessica Alspach (art/poster); and Roshni Padala (art/painting). Wellington resident Yelaine Aguilar, who attends the A.W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts, received an award for her poetry entry. Her teacher was Martha Warwick.