Wellington Manager Tests Positive For COVID-19

Wellington Village Manager Paul Schofield has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. He is working from home during his recuperation and will not return to work until after he has tested negative for the virus two times, as called for in village policy.

Schofield released a statement Thursday, July 9 after receiving his COVID-19 diagnosis. He noted that he has not been at his office since June 25 and began feeling flu-like symptoms on June 29. He has been in quarantine, working from home, since then.

Here is the full text of Schofield’s statement:

In the spirit of the Village of Wellington’s strong commitment to transparency, I wish to advise our community that I have tested positive for COVID-19. I am feeling reasonably well and will continue working from home as I follow village protocols and CDC guidelines before returning to my office.

While I don’t know where I contracted the virus, I am confident that I have not placed others at risk, as I have not been at Village Hall since June 25 — two weeks ago. I began experiencing flu-like symptoms while working from home on June 29 and was tested that day. As I waited for the test results, I have self-isolated and followed CDC recommended precautions, including limiting my in-person interactions, distancing myself from others and staying home. As my family and I deal with COVID-19, I will continue to take every measure required to limit my contacts with others. For the safety of our residents and employees, village policy requires two negative tests before any employee returns to work after a positive COVID-19 diagnosis. As I continue self-isolation, I continue to fulfill all of the responsibilities of my job as I remain in the ranks of so many others working from home, productively and safely.

My diagnosis serves as a reminder to all of us that no one is immune to the threat of COVID-19, and even those who rigorously follow safety protocols can still be affected. I strongly encourage all Wellington residents to take recommended precautions seriously, and to do everything you can to limit the spread of this virus that is causing so much distress throughout Florida, our nation and the world. Please wear a mask, practice social distancing, avoid large gatherings, and follow all other protocols to protect yourselves and your families.

In this unprecedented and ongoing challenging time, we are in this together — and we will emerge from this crisis stronger, more unified, and better prepared to handle all of life’s obstacles.