Architectural Review Board Approves Luxury Hotel For Dogs

Wellington’s Architectural Review Board met Wednesday, Sept. 16 and approved the look of a new dog kennel located on Fairlane Farms Road.

Also at the meeting, the board supported a new roof for a building in the Binks Commercial Center, and chose Stacy Somers as the board’s new chair and Roger Grave de Peralta is the vice chair.

The first item on the agenda was architectural renderings for K9 Resorts, a luxury canine kennel on a one-acre site in the industrial area on Fairlane Farms Road. The 8,000-square-foot facility will rehab an existing building to create the kennels and landscaped yard for exercise.

Village staff recommended approval with two extra signs on the front of the building because they would have been permitted on the sides but are unnecessary, as the building’s sides face a lake and the side of another building.

One stipulation requiring that the monument sign be narrower by four inches was a trade-off, since as the applicant was allowed extra text on the sign. A second stipulation was that equipment placed on the roof, such as HVAC systems, be screened if it can be seen from 200 feet away, 10 feet above grade.

The second business item proved the adage that a picture is worth a thousand words, or at least a quick approval. The applicant, Dr. Vikram Mohip, wanted to use metal roofing to replace the barrel tile roof on his dental office in the Binks Commercial Center that has given him grief since he bought the building in 2006.

“It currently has a bad leak that is causing damage,” Mohip said. “I want the metal roof to finish out my career with no more leaks in this roof.”

Not that he is planning to retire soon. The metal roof is guaranteed for up to 40 years, depending on the finish.

Mohip could have replaced the roof with the same barrel tile without needing to come before the board. Also, since this building was the first lot built in the complex of 15 lots, 12 of them contain buildings that all had to use roof tiles to be compatible with Mohip’s building.

The board had a long discussion about what the metal roof would look like, and a rendering would have streamlined the discussion.

The recommendation of village staff was a compromise that used metal tiles, either barrel or flat, so the roof had the same look as the neighbors. This meant the applicant could start immediately and should be finished in two weeks, whereas the barrel tiles could have taken months to complete. Mohip thanked the board, which passed the measure unanimously.

It was also announced that board members will be viewing fencing in other areas as they go about their trips, and fencing suppliers will be supplying samples to see what other choices are available. Wellington’s selection of approved fencing materials is now 20 years old, and many new choices are on the market that could be added to the approved selections.