Hanna Masudi, a seventh grader at Emerald Cove Middle School, has been selected as the winner of the Rotary International World Peace Initiative Poetry Competition this year. Hanna’s poem entitled “The Pieces of our Homeland,” a 900-word poem, was inspired by the peace poem contest and her study of Amanda Gorman’s inaugural poem in her language arts class this year.
When writing her poem and trying to express her views on peace, one quote that stuck with her was, “The past is history, the future is a mystery and the present is a gift.”
“Peace isn’t one-sided,” Masudi said. “Everyone has to agree to come together to make it happen.”
Since the contest, she has started writing several novels, including a 167-page verse novel, and a baking blog. Masudi has also started a school newspaper at Emerald Cove this year. She is involved in many clubs at school, including the handwriting and calligraphy club, the speech and debate club, the newspaper club and the STEM program.
In her spare time, Masudi enjoys writing, baking and playing the flute. Born and raised in Wellington, she is looking at becoming a lawyer, author or pastry chef when she gets older.
Masudi will read her poem in honor of United Nations Peace Day at the Wellington Peace Park on Sunday, Sept. 19, 2021.