Pollinator Week Events

Join Palm Beach County Master Gardener Volunteers as they celebrate National Pollinator Week from June 21 through June 28.

Free Gardening Talks — The first 50 Palm Beach County residents who register and attend this event will be mailed a packet of Florida native wildflower seeds.

Tuesday, June 22, 6:30 p.m.: “The Big Picture of Pollinators” with C.J. McCartney, Master Gardener Volunteer, and 7:15 p.m.: “Wildflowers for Your Home Garden” with Emily Marois, Palm Beach County Urban Horticulture Agent.

Wednesday, June 23, 6:30 p.m.: “Top 15 Butterflies” with Teri Jabour, Master Gardener Volunteer, and 7:15 p.m.: “Bring on the Good Bugs” with Kate Rotindo, St. Lucie County Urban Horticulture Agent.

To register for the gardening talks, visit www.eventbrite.com/e/154877890941.

Free Garden Tour — This will be held on Thursday, June 24 and Saturday, June 26 from 9 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Stroll along at the Mounts Botanical Butterfly Garden with a Master Gardener Volunteer. Learn how you can attract pollinators into your own yard. The entrance fee is waived, but there is a limit of 10 people per tour.

To register for one of the garden tours, visit www.eventbrite.com/e/157114540821.