PBCHS Engineering Academy Earns National Recognition

PBCHS PLTW Engineering Academy students with the PLTW representatives Mary Murphy and Danyelle Hoshauer, joined by Principal Darren Edgecomb and academy teacher Abby Elder.

Palm Beach Central’s Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Engineering Academy earned the title of a PLTW Distinguished School for the 2021-22 school year. PBCHS was one of only 600 schools nationwide to receive this recognition for this school year.

The recognition shows the commitment PBCHS has to helping students own their education by increasing student access, engagement and achievement through the PLTW Engineering Academy Program. By earning the Distinguished School designation, PBCHS has shown a dedication to empowering students to unlock their potential by developing the in-demand, real-world knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in life beyond the classroom.

PLTW representatives Mary Murphy and Danyelle Hoshauer recently came to PBCHS to acknowledge this outstanding accomplishment.