RPB Zoners OK Sign Changes, Painting, Birthing Center Request

The Royal Palm Beach Planning & Zoning Commission approved several sign alterations and painting requests, as well as a special exception for a birthing center, on Tuesday, March 22.

SignJive requested architectural approval for modifications to existing monument signs for the Point at Southern Blvd., located at 11020 Town Circle, including a color change to match the unit and building colors, as well as re-facing.

Planning & Zoning Director Bradford O’Brien said the applicant is asking for sign changes for an existing residential development, formerly known as Town Center. He said staff recommends approval.

Commission Alternate Lauren McClellan made a motion to approve the request, which carried 4-0 with Chair Adam Miller, Vice Chair Philip Marquis and June Perrin present.

The commissioners also approved a request by applicant Frederick Nichols of Nichols Contracting to paint exterior walls and accent lines of an existing building at 260 Business Parkway.

O’Brien said that the applicant is requesting two shades of green for accent colors to match its logo colors on the façade. The painting work has already been done.

Nichols apologized for painting the building without prior approval. “We just moved to the area,” he said.

Perrin made a motion to approve the application, which carried 4-0.

The commissioners next approved an application for the future World of Beer location in the Southern Palm Crossing shopping plaza. Joseph Belluccia of JVB Architect sought modifications and painting to the exterior of the building, located at 11121 Southern Blvd.

O’Brien said the applicant is requesting architectural approval to allow changes to the existing building, including the installation of two wall signs and replacing a façade.

Marquis made a motion to approve the request, which carried 4-0.

Finally, the commissioners approved a request by Nelson Posada to approve a special exception use for a birthing center within an office commercial zoning district located at 1490 Royal Palm Beach Blvd.

O’Brien said the applicant is seeking a special exception to allow a birthing center, which is now allowed in office commercial zoning districts as a special exception.

The birthing center will occupy the entire 3,200-square-foot building.

The Royal Palm Beach Village Council approved a zoning text amendment in August 2021 to allow birthing centers as a special exception use in office commercial zoning districts.

The change was made at the request of Posada.

O’Brien said that the application complies with the comprehensive plan and development standards. He added that staff recommended approval.

Marquis made a motion to approve the request, which carried 4-0.