Special Local Girl Scout Sells Cookies To All 50 States

Daisy Scout Makenzie with Girl Scout cookies.

Girl Scout cookie season is a highlight of the year for many, and for one local Daisy, it meant an iconic accomplishment — earning a unique badge for selling cookies in all 50 states of the United States. It was a challenge for seven-year-old Makenzie, a member of Girl Scout Troop 20411, but she is used to facing challenges.

Makenzie has Down syndrome and endured heart surgeries while still a baby. Her mother, Jessica Lamb, is far more than a typical “cookie mom.” She is dedicated to making sure her daughter has not only the opportunity to interact with other kids her age as a first grader at Golden Grove Elementary School, but also allows Makenzie to be the deciding vote before taking on new tasks.

“I was a Girl Scout, so we wanted to do it for social skills, and she seems to really enjoy it,” said Lamb, who also explained that Makenzie is primarily non-verbal. “We wanted her with typical kids, and she really likes it. She communicates between signing or pointing and gestures. She’s still learning how to talk and put things together.”

When Makenzie began selling cookies with other girl scouts in her troop, their leader “Miss Ocean” noticed her signing at the booth.

“[Makenzie] could sign language ‘thank you,’ and she also knew how to say ‘cookie.’ So, I asked her mom how to say Girl Scout cookie, and she started doing the three together,” said her troop leader. “Jessica always reminded her, ‘Don’t forget to say thank you.’ She would do the ‘thank you’ under the chin.”

Makenzie ended up being the top cookie seller for her troop but found a new goal to keep her engaged. After surpassing the goal to sell 200 boxes, Lamb thought maybe they were finished for the season, until her sister Bobbie Boatman sent a unique patch with a special challenge — to sell cookies in all 50 states.

“My sister is a big part of Makenzie’s life, more like a second mother than an aunt. She lived with us until marrying a Marine and moving to North Carolina,” Lamb said. “She sent me the patch, and I showed it to Makenzie, and explained it, and gave her a choice yes or no, and she said yes. She was excited about it, so OK, we’ll do it.”

Shortly after starting the quest, Lamb shared the details with Miss Ocean, who promptly jumped in to help. “The CEO of the Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida — Lisa Johnson — contacted the CEO of Girl Scouts in Iowa, and that person bought a box of cookies. I knew some people in Arkansas, and next thing I know they were on the way,” Miss Ocean said.

It took only a few weeks to reach the goal — less than 50 days to reach 50 states. When asked what is next for Makenzie, Lamb was very clear.

“I don’t know what her next goal is yet,” she said. “It all depends on what she wants.”