‘Mindful Body & Soul Healing Retreat’ Held In Royal Palm Beach

Barbara, Michelle and Marci at the Mindful Moments retreat.

During uncertain times, many could use a weekend to relax, unwind and rejuvenate their mind, body and soul. Attendees did just that last weekend at Mindful Moments, a spiritual and natural healing center in Royal Palm Beach, at the Mindful Body & Soul Healing Weekend Retreat. Participants came from California, Texas and throughout Florida.

“At our retreat, we made many new friends who experienced wonderful results,” Psychic Medium Stacey said. “Mindful Moments is a welcoming place for all to feel like family. Whether receiving a reading, participating in classes, workshops or events, guests are sure to leave feeling focused, empowered and confident.”

Event attendees completely relaxed and let go of their bodily ailments and stresses that held them down. Starting on Friday evening, the attendees were led through a guided meditation, followed by finding balance with crystals on Saturday, and sound bath and reiki healing under the stars on Sunday. The weekend retreat concluded with a full body sage cleanse.

Mindful Moments hosts events each month, and the calendar is updated frequently. The next big event is “Mediumship Moment in Time” on Saturday, April 23 with Psychic Medium Stacey and Spiritual Mediumship Artist Diane. While Stacey connects and communicates with, and provides messages from those whom have passed away, watch Diane draw an 11×14 portrait of a loved one who has passed without ever seeing a photo. Each attendee will take their own portrait home.

Located at the front of the store, Mindful Moments has a retail area. The store carries the highest quality gemstones at affordable prices, along with environmentally friendly candles, angel and tarot cards and lucky trees. In the back, there are individual reading and reiki rooms, and a room where the classes and events take place. Walk-ins are welcome on the weekends, but guests can also schedule their appointments in advance.

Mindful Moments is located at 10397 Southern Blvd. in Royal Palm Beach. For more info., visit www.mindfulmomentspb.com.