Dave Aronberg Gets Award For Work Fighting Animal Abuse

State Attorney Dave Aronberg

The Animal Law Section of the Florida Bar has presented its Distinguished Achievement Award to Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg. This award recognizes the pursuit of prosecutions and convictions for crimes committed against animals.

“Dave Aronberg has consistently fought against animal abuse and made it a priority of his office,” said Matthew Dietz, a Miami civil attorney and immediate past chair of the Animal Law Section.

Now serving his 10th year in office, Aronberg said that people who violate Florida’s animal cruelty laws must be held accountable. He is the proud owner of Cookie, a rescue dog he nicknamed the “Hound of Justice.”

“I am grateful to the Animal Law Section of the Florida Bar for this honor,” Aronberg said. “I am fortunate to have such an amazing team that protects the most vulnerable in our community, including our four-legged friends.”