The Village of Wellington invites the public to attend a workshop on the Community’s Role in Flood Control on Tuesday, Sept. 27 beginning at 10 a.m. via Zoom Webinar.
The workshop is designed for residents, property managers and community board members who are responsible for the operation and maintenance of their drainage systems. Attendees will gain an understanding of the functions of storm water management and the role that residential communities play in flood control.
They will learn about and be able to identify the components of the drainage system, as well as understand basic maintenance techniques and methods used to prevent localized flooding. Attendees will also learn about the Click2Enter program for gated communities.
This event is free and open to the public. Register on Zoom today for the “Village of Wellington’s Flood Prevention Seminar” at For those needing community association management continuing education units (CEUs), two hours are available to those attending the workshop.