Building Department Earns Recognition

Wellington’s Building Department is one of only 22 building departments in the United States, and one of four in Florida, to receive International Accreditation Service (IAS) accreditation.

The IAS Certificate of Accreditation demonstrates Wellington’s strong commitment to community, quality and efficiency. Accreditation also highlights the department’s comprehensive and quality approach to building and safety.

The International Accreditation Service is an independent, nonprofit accreditation body that has been providing accreditation services since 1975. The IAS recognition is for building and code enforcement departments, as well as third-party companies that have demonstrated a commitment to service, safety and continuous improvement.

Building departments are assessed for permitting, plan review, inspection and property maintenance code enforcement services. Departments that can demonstrate that they meet the requirements are awarded the IAS Building Department Recognition Certificate, which provides evidence that the department is operating at an elevated level of efficiency and technical quality.