Do you know which U. S. president ran for the Know Nothing Party, whose slogan was “Americans must rule America?” How about who became a spy for the USSR during the Cold War to fund his nasty divorce?
Students across Palm Beach County answered questions like these in the categories of U.S. Presidents, the Cold War and Current Events at the Social Studies Academic Games throughout the month of January. Middle and high school students spent a considerable amount of time researching these categories with their school clubs and at home.
It was a close race, but due to hours of hard work and studying, Western Pines Middle School earned third place in the county. Giselle Rodriguez gave her all to each match. Four Western Pines students will go on to compete at the state level: Lithika Wijegunawardana, Lucas Mierzwa, Adrian Onescar and Edison Frey.
Playing the Social Studies Academic Games teaches young people how to be aware of what is happening in their community, their country and their world. The knowledge gained from these competitions leads to more informed and responsible future citizens.
“We are so proud to have such high academic achievers in our school who are motivated to learn about history. These are our future leaders of our community and country,” Principal Philip Preddy said.