Polo Park’s Cyber Stallions Score Victories At Regional Competition

Coach David Grad (right, in costume) and assistant coach Brittani Truss (left) with the Cyber Stallions.

Polo Park Middle School’s Cyber Stallions robotics teams, under coach David Grad’s leadership, achieved a string of victories at the recent First Lego League Robotics Regional Competition in Palm Beach Gardens. For the second consecutive year, all three Polo Park teams qualified to move on to regional, state and world competitions.

Team 44893, the Royal Reboots, qualified for the Western Edge Invitational in southern California. Team 36112, the Rockin’ Robots, qualified for the Razorback Open Invitational in Arkansas. Team 16113, the Cyber Knights, won the regional competition and are going to the World Championships in Houston, Texas.

“All of these kids have worked so hard to get to this point,” Grad said. “I have watched them grow from individuals into a family. This is what First Robotics is all about. It also focuses on the six core values, which are fun, teamwork, inclusion, impact, innovation and discovery.”

As travel, hotels and meals are involved in these upcoming competitions, the Cyber Stallions need help raising funds for this incredible experience. If you can donate, visit https://gofund.me/d4742f65 to help out.