World’s Largest 3D-Printed Structure In Wellington

Printed Farms CEO Jim Ritter and Printed Patio founder Justin D’Angelo.

On Wednesday, Aug. 30, Printed Farms hosted an open house to show off a state-of-the-art luxury equestrian facility. The structure was 3D-printed onsite in concrete and is currently the largest 3D-printed structure in the world at 10,678 square feet.

Printed Farms CEO Jim Ritter teamed with Justin D’Angelo, founder of Printed Patio, who designed the column structures of the barn using a 3D robotic arm.

According to Printed Farms, Florida is well positioned to lead the country in 3D-printed buildings. Increasing catastrophic climate events will necessitate stronger more sustainable buildings, and 3D concrete printed structures fill that need. They are also energy efficient and have lower cooling and heating costs.

To learn more about Printed Farms, e-mail or visit


  1. Increased climate events? I think you may need to research the history of severe weather. It isn’t getting worse, it is and has always been cyclic. You have fallen for the whole “Climate Change” hoax. We deserve better.

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