By Erin Davisson
On Saturday, Dec. 2, the organization Safety 4 Life held a dramatic reenactment at the National Polo Center in Wellington to show the consequences of car crashes from unsafe driving. Safety 4 Life started three years ago when Tara Applebaum and Brian LaBovick came together to show teenagers the importance of road safety.
The “Shattered Dreams” reenactment included volunteers from local high schools to act as teenage drivers going from one party to another. There were actual firefighters and police officers to show the crowd how they would handle the aftermath of such a deadly situation.
The county’s new Trauma Hawk helicopter also dropped onto the field. The performance was narrated by Elijah Virgin, who is a trauma outreach specialist at St. Mary’s Medical Center.
After the performance concluded, the audience had the opportunity to speak with vendors at a safety fair. Free bicycle helmets were given out to young children and teenagers.
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