School Bus Drug Prevention Media Contest Fights Vaping And Underage Drinking

The Palm Beach County Behavioral Health Coalition has announced the launch of the 14th annual School Bus Drug Prevention Media Contest. Students have a chance to win a $1,000 scholarship and other prizes valued at more than $4,000.

This year, contestants have the opportunity to participate in the Poster Contest, Video/Reel Contest and the JAM4HUMANiTY Contest, each offering a unique platform for creative expression of the contest themes “Ride the Wave Alcohol Free” or “Ride the Wave Vape Free.”

All student entries earn community service hours while making a positive impact on their peers. This unique competition invites students from kindergarten through 12th grade and adults in Palm Beach County, including those in home school, charter and private schools, to showcase their creativity and commitment to drug prevention. Details, such as rules and submission instructions, can be found at

Poster Contest: Promoting a Positive Lifestyle — The Poster Contest challenges students to create a positive prevention poster with a clear message promoting an alcohol-free or vape-free lifestyle for youth. Participants are encouraged to unleash their artistic talents and convey powerful messages that resonate with their peers and the community.

Video/Reel Contest: Riding the Wave — In the Video/Reel Contest, students will create a 15 to 30-second reel in portrait mode using the contest themes. This category provides a visual platform for students to craft compelling narratives and share their perspectives on the importance of a substance-free lifestyle.

JAM4HUMANiTY Contest: Express Yourself Through Performance — For this contest, students and adults can both enter and showcase their talents through various forms of performance, including dance, sports, instruments, lip sync or cheer. Entrants are invited to submit a video of their performance set to one of the songs listed at This category celebrates diversity in expression while promoting a shared commitment to a drug-free community.

Participants have the chance to win scholarship prizes from $50 to $1,000. In addition to the exciting cash prizes, students can earn two to five community service hours for their entries. This contest not only encourages artistic expression but also promotes community engagement and awareness of the critical issue of drug prevention.

All Palm Beach County students in grades K-12 are invited to submit their entry by the deadline of 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 18. Details can be found at For more information, e-mail

The Palm Beach County Behavioral Health Coalition was created to give parents, youth and neighborhoods the tools to continue building a healthier, drug-free community. By bringing together teens, parents, educators, business owners and other partners, the coalition coordinates activities, provides information and organizes public awareness campaigns to steer youth and adults away from harmful decisions and toward program and support services. Since 1982, the coalition has had a major impact in Palm Beach County’s efforts to keep communities healthy, safe and drug-free.