Known for cheerfully waving at passersby from his maintenance cart, longtime Village of Wellington employee Horace Reeves is getting ready to retire.
Reeves celebrated on Friday, Jan. 26 when a few local residents came together at the original Wellington Mall to say farewell as he prepares for his retirement at the end of this month.
After more than two decades serving as a village employee, Reeves will park his golf cart for the last time and sail off into the sunset to enjoy his retirement.
This is from December 17, 2021. A Christmas for HORACE!! Wonderful memory!
You certainly deserve it! I’m sorry I missed your retirement! You’ll always be the “MAYOR”!!! Truly a pleasure seeing you around town, always with a smile & waive! Enjoy your retirement, come by every once in awhile once ride “shotgun” with the new guy! We will miss you, you’re a gentleman & scholar!! A Wellington Treasure without a doubt!
Happy for you, sad for us!! Thank you for any years of warm heartfelt greetings!✌🏼🫶🙏🏼