First TikTok Certification Class Launches At Khanna House Studios

Certified learning partner Allie Nazario teaches the TikTok class at Khanna House Studios.

Khanna House Studios, in partnership with certified TikTok Learning Partner agency, hosted the first class in a groundbreaking six-part TikTok Live Engagement Series. Held March 7, this inaugural session marked the beginning of a comprehensive program designed to educate social media enthusiasts, entrepreneurs and business owners with the skills to monetize and engage audiences on TikTok effectively.

With the rapid ascension of TikTok as a paramount platform for digital marketing, the series unlocks the path to success on the platform, emphasizing strategic engagement over accidental virality. The first class educated attendees on crucial platform policies, terms and conditions, and innovative strategies for maximizing their presence on TikTok, which boasts more than 100 million users and stands at the forefront of global digital culture.

“TikTok has transformed the way brands connect with the next generation of consumers,” said Lillian Khanna, host and organizer at Khanna House Studios. “Our partnership with is dedicated to equipping creators with the know-how to leverage TikTok’s unique algorithm and virality potential, ensuring they can achieve measurable success in today’s competitive digital landscape.”

Led by experts from, a certified TikTok learning partner based in Orlando, the series offers participants hands-on practice sessions and expert guidance on maximizing live engagement on TikTok, irrespective of how many followers the user has. The series is poised to become an essential resource for those looking to harness the full potential of their TikTok accounts. Upon completing five of the six classes, participants will receive a certification of completion from, with the option for instant onboarding into the agency at no additional cost.

The remaining sessions are scheduled for March 20, April 4, April 17, May 2 and May 9 at 7 p.m. Classes are open to the general public. Individual classes are $25 or $125 for the six-course series. Given the limited space and high demand, interested parties are encouraged to register early at or contact Lillian Khanna at for more information.