Garden Club To Feature Talk On Understanding Plant Names April 1

Katherine Wagner-Reiss

The Wellington Garden Club will meet Monday, April 1 at the Wellington Community Center (12150 W. Forest Hill Blvd.). The meeting will feature a presentation at 10 a.m. by Katherine Wagner-Reiss to help garden lovers understand more about scientific and common names of plants and why names matter.

Wagner-Reiss is a passionate botanist and accomplished tour guide. With a certificate in botany from the prestigious New York Botanical Garden, she shares her knowledge as a volunteer tour guide at both the New York Botanical Garden and the Mounts Botanical Garden in West Palm Beach.

Her fascination with native plants and their scientific and common names drives her commitment to botanical education. Not only does she impart her expertise through engaging tours, but she also enriches the botanical community through her insightful blogs for the Morris Arboretum in Philadelphia. Wagner-Reiss’s dedication to the plant world is evident in her efforts to inspire others and promote environmental awareness.

The community is invited to join the club for coffee and a plant raffle beginning at 9:30 a.m. Visitors are asked to check in at the guest table. To reserve a spot, contact Carol Ralph at

To learn more about the Wellington Garden Club, visit