Strong Audit Report For Wellington

The Wellington Village Council received its Annual Financial Report for the year ending Sept. 30, 2023, at the Tuesday, March 12 meeting.

Marcum LLP conducted the annual audit, issuing an unmodified opinion, the highest opinion possible. An unmodified opinion indicates that the financial statements, in all material respects, fairly present the financial position and the respective changes in the financial position of the Village of Wellington.

This year’s annual report consistently maintains Wellington’s clean, unmodified opinion. Moises Ariza and Martin Nicholas discussed the annual report and commended the village council and staff for outstanding work to complete the audit.

The report contains the village’s audited financial statements and other financial information. It also contains information about the local economy, the structure of Wellington’s government, and future financial plans and policies.

The latest annual report, along with all financial reports, including the budget, external audit reports and public Annual Financial Report, are available at