ECMS Places Well In Math Competition

The Emerald Cove math competition team.

On Thursday, March 28, three teams of students represented Emerald Cove Middle School at the 62nd annual Palm Beach County Council of Teachers of Mathematics (PBCCTM) Middle School Math Competition held at Dr. Joaquín García High School.

Emerald Cove was one of nine Palm Beach County schools to compete. Each grade-level team first participated in a digital escape room that contained five levels to unlock.

The second half of the competition was an individual test, in which students had 45 minutes to complete 30 questions.

Emerald Cove students had a great time working together and then on their own in this exciting and high-level competition, placing in the team competition at each grade level.

Sixth grade took third place, seventh grade took second place and eighth grade took third place. In addition, Emerald Cove student Adithya Dondapati placed third in the individual competition.