Crestwood Middle School Hosts Leadership Retreat

National Junior Honor Society students and guest speakers at the retreat.

On Wednesday, June 5, Crestwood Middle School’s National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) held its second annual Leadership Retreat at Royal Palm Beach Commons Park. Attending the event were 30 rising seventh and eighth graders inducted into the 2024-25 NJHS.

This year’s retreat focused on the theme, “Leading with A.C.T.ion (Advancing Creative Thinkers).” Speakers included educator Brian Knowles, manager of African American, Latin and general studies with the school district; entrepreneur and community leader Denise Williams; Robyn Lawrence, a division director with Palm Beach County government; and attorney Richard Ryles.

Students kicked off the morning with team-building activities, with an emphasis on strengthening effective communication and critical thinking skills. Each speaker focused on their unique interpretation of leadership traits and characteristics that can be applied when pursuing leadership opportunities.

The NJHS is one of the nation’s premier organizations established to recognize outstanding middle school students for their academic achievement.


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