Wellington Rotary Holds 44th Annual Awards Banquet

Board members Randy Pfeiffer, Jess Coburn, Tiffany Rodriguez, George Kinoshita, Andrew Burr, Maria Cruz, Don Gross, Maggie Zeller, Jim O’Neil, Scott Armand, David Berns and Walter Imperatore with Mayor Michael Napoleone.

The Wellington Rotary Club held its 44th annual Awards Banquet and Installation of Officers on Saturday, June 22 at the Wanderers Club with the theme “Create Hope in the World.” Walter Imperatore was installed as president by Mayor Michael Napoleone, taking over for Scott Armand. Service Above Self awards were presented to Susan O’Dell, Jay Broder, Tom Carreras and Larry Falk. Dr. Wes Boughner received a Level 4 Paul Harris Award. The Frank T. Gladney Award went to Tom Carreras, and the Rising Star Award was presented to Dennis Golub.


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