P.B. Shakespeare Festival Stages ‘King Lear’ In RPB

Sara Grant as Cordelia, Lee Ritter as the Earl of Kent and Amy Simms as King Lear.

The Shakespeare by the Palms IV production of King Lear took place Thursday, July 25 through Sunday, July 28 at the Royal Palm Beach Commons Park amphitheater. Considered “one of the greatest tragedies ever performed,” this year’s professional production of King Lear was adapted and directed by Trent Stephens. The cast included Amy Simms as King Lear, Caroline Tarantolo as Regan, Casey McNamara as Albany, Darryl Willis as Gloucester, Julia Kirk as Oswald, Kelly Hussey as Goneril, Kyler O’Brien as Edgar, Lee Ritter as Kent, Matthew Paszkiet as Edmund, Sara Grant as Cordelia/The Fool and Seth Trucks as Cornwall. For more information, visit www.pbshakespeare.org.