County Receives $2.25 Million Community Project Funding Check For Affordable Workforce Housing

Palm Beach County officials accept the Community Project Funding check.

On Tuesday, Aug. 27, Palm Beach County Mayor Maria Sachs, on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners, accepted a Community Project Funding check for $2.25 million for affordable workforce housing from U.S. Rep. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick (D-District 20). This funding will provide gap financing for the acquisition, construction and equipping of housing for affordable and workforce housing.

“On behalf of the people of Palm Beach County, I thank Congresswoman Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick’s commitment and support of our efforts to provide housing for all our residents. The demand for affordable housing continues to increase with the ongoing population growth in the area, along with the average wage, which continues to lag behind the amount of money people need to buy affordable housing, and the result is that our essential workers and service providers are basically being priced out of our area,” Sachs said. “This new commitment by her office, from the federal government to us, will give us an opportunity to build affordable housing that we are hopeful will help ease the effects of this housing crisis. On behalf of the people of Palm Beach County and this county commission, we thank the congresswoman for her support in addressing and relieving the affordable housing crisis.”


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