Fallen Officers Mourned At Candlelight Vigil

Community members take part in the candlelight vigil Saturday night in Royal Palm Beach.

A candlelight vigil was held Saturday, Nov. 23 in Royal Palm Beach to mourn three Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office deputies who died as the result of a tragic accident on Southern Blvd. in the western communities.

PBSO Corporal Luis Paez and Deputy Ralph “Butch” Waller died at the scene of the accident on Thursday, Nov. 21 when they were fatally struck by a female driver traveling eastbound on Southern Blvd. The officers were conducting traffic enforcement at the time. Deputy Ignacio “Dan” Diaz was critically injured in the tragic accident and succumbed to his injuries in the hospital on Monday, Nov. 25.

All three officers have deep ties to the western communities.

Paez dedicated more than 36 years of his life to law enforcement, beginning his career at the PBSO in January 1988 as a corrections deputy before moving to road patrol, and ultimately serving passionately as a motor deputy for more than 20 years.

Waller served with distinction for more than 18 years in the motor unit, having started his law enforcement career with the Royal Palm Beach Police Department before it merged with the PBSO in October 2006.

Diaz joined the PBSO in 2004. He was a valued member of the motor unit for more than 10 years.

A number of events were held around the western communities to mourn the lost deputies and pray for Diaz before he passed away on Monday. One was held Saturday evening in Royal Palm Beach, where attendees gathered at Royal Palm Beach Village Hall and walked with candles to the nearby PBSO substation. Patriot Guard Riders and Blue Knights were there to show their support.