St. Michael Lutheran Church has been gleaning with CROS Ministries for several years. This year, harvesting produce in the vast Palm Beach County agricultural area began in November.
The team from St. Michael helped harvest more than 2,500 pounds of sweet corn on an RC Hatton field in Pahokee on Saturday, Nov. 23.
Seven team members were joined by other volunteers and CROS Ministries staff to pick, load and transport the corn to the Palm Beach County Food Bank. The harvested produce is then distributed free of charge through local agencies to families with low incomes, seniors, people with disabilities and the unhoused.
The St. Michael team is scheduled to glean at least once per month on Thursdays and Saturdays as volunteers for CROS Ministries. Participating growers who allow this gleaning include RC Hatton, Roth Farms, Bedner Growers, Mecca and Agrigator Farms. The church thanks these generous farms and CROS Ministries, which organizes and manages the gleaning program.
The next scheduled St. Michael group gleaning is Saturday, Dec. 14. If you would like to join the St. Michael gleaners, call the church office at (561) 793-4999.