American Legion Post 390 Presents Regis Wenham With Tom’s Honors

John Shwiner, Ernie Zimmerman and Laz Sed present Tom Wenham’s honors to his wife Regis.

Wellington American Legion Post 390 Past Post Commander John Shwiner, Ernie Zimmerman and Post Commander Laz Sed recently presented Regis Wenham with her late husband Tom Wenham’s certification of entry into Post 390’s “Post Everlasting” program, along with a copy of Post 390’s history, featuring Tom Wenham as a founder and first post commander.

American Legion’s “Post Everlasting” is a ceremony moving deceased post members from member status to the status of Post Everlasting membership. Once a year, each member will continue to be recognized in a district ceremony, where the names are read from a piece of paper, and the paper is ignited by the flame of a candle as a symbol of being an everlasting member. With the post forming its first color guard unit under James Sparrow’s function as sergeant-at-arms, along with direction from District Sergeant-at-Arms Edward Manak, the post’s first funeral honor guard of eight members were present for the first post commander.

As mayor of Wellington, Tom Wenham was instrumental in having the village create the Veterans Memorial monument recognizing military veterans on Memorial Day and Veterans Day. He not only supported the post in many ways but personally contributed to children and youth, and other American Legion programs.

Post 390 history and more can be found at


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