ITID Board To Discuss Code Of Conduct At Special Meeting

The Indian Trail Improvement District Board of Supervisors has scheduled a special meeting for Monday, March 10 in an effort to set standards for member conduct.

The agenda item reads: “The Board President [Elizabeth Accomando] has requested that a Code of Conduct Policy be established to outline the rules and procedures for the civility, demeanor and interaction among board of supervisors’ members, the public and staff during board meetings, hearings, workshops, charettes…” and other gatherings.

The special meeting follows a particular stormy exchange between supervisors Betty Argue, Patricia Farrell and Richard Vassalotti during the board’s Wednesday, Feb. 19 regular meeting. The board was considering whether to send a letter of objection to the Palm Beach County Commission regarding the proposed construction of a fire station on the Rawlings Estates property. (See related story here.)

The March 10 meeting will begin at 6 p.m. at the district administration building at 13476 61st Street North.


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