American Legion Auxiliary Makes Baskets For VA

American Legion Auxiliary Royal Palm Beach Unit #367 members recently prepared holiday food items for homeless veterans who receive services at the West Palm Beach VA Medical Center.

Helping with the packing of the gift baskets were Marge Herzog, Linda Musgrove, Emily Musgrove and Rose Rodriguez, who represent four generations giving back to the veterans in the area who are in need. These members joined the American Legion Auxiliary under the service of Marge’s father, Edgar Goedeke, who served in the European campaign as a front-line medic during World War II, and Marge’s husband, George Herzog, who served as military policeman in the Marine Corps after Korea and before Vietnam in the Southeast Asia area.

ABOVE: Marge Herzog helps prepare baskets with her great-granddaughter Emily Musgrove, daughter Linda Musgrove and her granddaughter Rose Rodriguez.