Bronco Musicians Compete In District

The Palm Beach Central High School jazz bands performed at the district jazz music performance assessment Feb. 6-7.

Both the Concert Jazz Ensemble (Jazz 1) and the Bronco Jazz Band (Jazz 2) received “Straight Superior” ratings from the judges — the highest possible mark. This is the first time in 10 years there has been a non-arts high school see two of its bands earn “Superior” ratings in Palm Beach County.

On Feb. 8-9, the PBHCS band participated in the district solo and ensemble performance assessment. The band had 84 members earn “Superior” medals for their performances.

The following groups earned “Superior” ratings: Brass Choir 1, Clarinet Choir 1, Clarinet Choir 2, Saxophone Quartet 1, Tuba/ Euphonium Quartet, Flute Duet, Flute Trio 2, Flute Trio 3, Brass Quartet, Percussion Quintet, Dance Solo 1, Dance Solo 2, Rifle Solo and Indoor Color Guard.


Above: Palm Beach Central jazz musicians racked up the “Superior” ratings in district competition in February.