Wellington Chamber To Host Inspirational Speakers On Aug. 26

The Wellington Chamber of Commerce has put together a program featuring interesting chamber members who have changed careers, realized dreams and overcome obstacles.

They will share their inspiring stories on Monday, Aug. 26 at the Wanderers Club (1900 Aero Club Dr., Wellington). Registration begins at 11:30 a.m. and lunch begins at noon.

The featured speakers are Carla B. Neumann, Diane E. Frankle, Dale W. Grimm and Dean K. Piper.

Neumann is licensed as a marriage and family therapist with a private practice in Wellington since 2001. After a visit to Kenya in 2006, where she met orphaned youth, toured various orphanages and the slums in Kenya, she co-founded Dream Sponsors Inc.

The small, grassroots, nonprofit organization provides basic needs and school fees to needy Kenyan orphans in three regions of Kenya. The project model was designed to keep orphan children with an extended relative caregiver to maintain important psychological attachments. Through mentoring from compassionate volunteers, limited medical services and receiving basic needs through the organization, select orphans and vulnerable youth are now able to realize their dreams of meaningful education and a self-sustaining future.

Frankle is a registered nurse anesthetist and a member of the National Association of Nurse Anesthetists. She has worked for several of South Florida’s most successful and high-profile plastic surgeons.

As a foster parent in Palm Beach County, Frankle adopted her second son from Kids In Distress. She is mother to two boys, Sam and Garrett. An equestrian since 1969, she also is an animal advocate, donating her time and expertise to Children, Hope & Horses, as well as Rottweiler rescue organizations. Frankle will speak on re-inventing yourself, her surprising new career, what brought her to the decision to change her life and how you can do the same. Positive, inspirational and uplifting, her talk is entitled “Nourishing Your Dreams… Recapturing the ‘You’ You Once Knew.”

Grimm, a certified public accountant, has been an accounting professional for more than 39 years. He has been a Wellington resident for 26 years with his wife and three stepsons. He provides tax and consulting services, as well as individual tax preparation for clients in 11 states. He is a member of the American Institute of CPAs, the Florida Institute of CPAs and the Western Communities Business Associates. He is on the executive board of the Wellington Chamber of Commerce, as well as on the board of Crime Stoppers of Palm Beach County.

Grimm will speak on how he realized a dream of pursuing his gift for photography a few short years ago, which has resulted in his photography being displayed in numerous locations, as well as gained him notoriety as one of Palm Beach County’s most unique and diverse nature photographers.

A lifetime of experiences is what makes Piper an inspirational speaker who leads by example. Count on relating in some way to all of his stories of persevering through overwhelming odds.

Adversity has been second nature to Piper since birth, as with many people. The difference is the techniques, strategies and mindset that have caused people to name him the king of manifestation. This has led to a successfully proven and effective belief system that is transferrable to those he coaches and trains.

This event will sell out, so RSVP today by calling (561) 792-6525 or visit www.wellingtonchamber.com. The cost is $20 for members with RSVP, $25 for members with no RSVP and $30 to the general public.