Free College Planning Workshop At St. Michael

Parents and students are invited to attend a free college planning workshop on Wednesday, Sept. 10 presented by St. Michael Lutheran Church and College Planning Masters.

Parents will learn how to maximize financial aid and minimize out-of-pocket expenses. Topics to be discussed will include: how to affordably send your child to his or her “first choice” school; creating a comprehensive college search plan; debunking the most common college-planning myths; understanding how private “big ticket” universities can actually cost you less in the long run than a state college; how to manage time and avoid procrastination; learn about the changes in Bright Futures, FAFSA and Florida Pre-Paid that can actually cost you more money; how to avoid common Financial Aid Application traps that lower aid eligibility; and discover strategies to dramatically increase free money from colleges, regardless of income or student achievements.

Students will benefit from a variety of additional topics, including strategies designed to enhance admissions opportunities.

The workshop will be held at St. Michael Lutheran Church, located at 1925 Birkdale Drive in Wellington, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Come by at 6:15 p.m. for light appetizers and beverages.

To register for the workshop, call (800) 776-6445, ext. 217. RSVPs are required. Space is limited, so participants are recommended to call and reserve space early. For more information, visit or e-mail