Bar Mitzvah Project Raises Money For Families At St. Mary’s NICU

Seventh-grader Max Epstein, in preparation for his upcoming bar mitzvah this summer, initiated a community service project that was meaningful to him and helpful to the community. Epstein raised $5,000 to help families with premature babies who are using the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), at St. Mary’s Medical Center in West Palm Beach.

“The NICU holds a very special place in my family’s heart. I was born five weeks premature at St. Mary’s,” Epstein said. “I was in the NICU for two weeks, and it was very hard for my parents emotionally, physically and financially.”

His mitzvah project was to help other families that are experiencing the same challenges. In order to help ease the hardship, he put together 100 gift bags for the families of the NICU, each containing a note from Epstein, a $25 gas gift card and $24 in food certificates to the hospital café.

Epstein is a resident of Royal Palm Beach. He attends school in Wellington.

ABOVE: Max Epstein presents a check to the St. Mary’s NICU.