Polo Park Winter Concerts

On Wednesday, Dec. 14 and Thursday, Dec. 15, Polo Park Middle School hosted its annual series of winter concerts.

The beginning bands performed selections that included Beethoven’s Ninth, Along Came a Spider and Cardiff Castle.

“These students began playing their instruments just this year, and I think you’ll agree they’ve made great progress,” band teacher Kevin Graham said.

Polo Park’s eighth grade jazz band performed jazz selections from Joe Zawinul, Herbie Hancock and Oscar Pettiford.

Each jazz selection included an improvisational performance by a student soloist.

“Improvisation is instantaneous composition,” Graham explained. “What impresses me though is how much they love the music. Jazz band is a club; kids get no school credit for being a part of it. The only incentive is the music.”

Intermediate and advanced band performances included selections from the 1812 Overture, Yellow Submarine, the theme from Jurassic Park and Disney blockbusters.

Principal Ann Clark thanked attendees.

“We are incredibly fortunate to have Mr. Graham teaching your children such wonderful music,” she said. “I could listen to them play all night.”

ABOVE:  The beginning band.