Karlie Young’s third grade class at Wellington Elementary School has been working hard to earn their whole class Dojo rewards. On Oct. 22, they learned math with no shoes on (shown above). Class Dojo is a behavior management tool for the classroom. Each student has a profile, complete with an avatar, to which teachers can assign positive and negative points throughout the day. Teachers can encourage students for skills or values such as participating in class, active listening, working hard, helping others and leadership. Parents can review their student’s profile, as well as communicate with the teacher. Teachers can also make class announcements and share pictures and stories about the day with parents via Class Dojo. Like Young, other teachers at the school are using Class Dojo to motivate and encourage students. Young’s class earned more than 500 points to be able to have no shoes during class. They are well on their way to earn 1,000 points for pajama day.