Bloom Event At Mall Gathers Mothers To Celebrate Motherhood

Palm Beach Moms Blog team members Amie Romano, Kimberly Ballejo, Tracy Stepp and Meg Palumbo.

By Gina M. Capone

On Saturday, April 6, the Bloom event took place at the Mall at Wellington Green for new and expecting mothers.

Meg Palumbo, founder of Palm Beach Moms Blog, teamed up with Michelle Gonzalez, CEO of the Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Coalition of Palm Beach County, to present new and expecting mothers an experience of connecting with other moms in the area while learning about the support and resources available to them.

The Bloom event took place in and around the mall’s Live360 studio, which hosts events covering everything from fitness to craft classes.

Mothers, babies and their families meandered through the many booths, where educators took time to counsel and recommend ways mothers can improve their health and the health of their newborns.

“Our mission is designed to improve birth outcomes for all moms in Palm Beach County,” Gonzalez said. “We want healthy babies born more than five and a half pounds and decrease prematurity rates throughout the county. So, we offer services to moms, which include access to care, education and social support for every mom who resides in Palm Beach County. Our overall vision is to improve birth outcomes and to assure that our babies are born healthy.”

Palumbo, touted the Florida map logo on her white T-shirt explaining that, “the Bloom event is a celebration of motherhood, connecting with mommy-friendly businesses, having coffee and lunch with other mothers in a mother-friendly place.”

The information booths were just one part of the event.

“Today, there are speakers educating moms about breast feeding, mother mindfulness, infant CPR and safe sleep practices for their children, while discussing the resources that are offered in the county,” Palumbo said.

Tables were set up at every station at the Bloom event. For example, Painless Pregnancy, an in-home concierge physical therapy company, offered tips to women who may have back pain or discomfort. The Palm Beach Maternity Center explained that their mission is “changing birth, one family at a time.” Bob Smallacombe of Palm Beach County Fire-Rescue was there “educating parents to save children’s lives.”

To learn more about upcoming events and resources for new moms, visit Palm Beach Moms Blog at or Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies at