Library System Served More Than 45,000 Meals, Snacks

The Palm Beach County Library System offered sandwiches and snacks during the months of June and July, as the popular Summer Food Service continued into its third year of fighting hunger in Palm Beach County.

The Library System exceeded its Summer Food Service goal by 8 percent, with a final count of 45,792 meals served. Over the last three years, 107,004 meals have been served throughout the system. More than 51,000 lunches and 55,000 snacks have been distributed.

“Libraries have long been community pillars, and this achievement reflects that. Children are well-read and well-fed at the Palm Beach County Library System,” Library Director Doug Crane said.

The Library System serves free nutritious lunches and snacks to children during the summer, in partnership with the School District of Palm Beach County. The service is offered to all children through age 18 at all branch locations.

The program is designed to make sure that low-income children continue to receive nutritious meals when school is not in session.