Premier Equestrian Steps It Up At WEF

Premier ProTex footing additive mixed with carefully chosen sand was installed over the Otto Sport base mats at PBIEC.

Premier Equestrian Inc. is the “Exclusive Footing Products Supplier for the International Arena at WEF” and will have representatives present throughout the three-month Winter Equestrian Festival in Wellington.

“The Winter Equestrian Festival is the crown jewel of the competition circuit,” Premier Equestrian CEO Mark Neihart said. “Because of our recent partnership here, we’re stepping up our activities and presence at the show.”

Neihart and Premier Equestrian President Heidi Zorn will be available in Wellington for a total of 60 days during the winter show season. “Our sales team will also be available to answer questions and offer farm consultations,” Zorn said. “Keri Homer, who is based in Florida, and Christopher Neihart, based out of Salt Lake City, are eager to help riders, trainers and owners with their horse footing.”

Premier Equestrian will be sponsoring several educational events, presenting sportsmanship awards and visiting local farms. “We have a little something for everyone,” Zorn said.

A web page containing the full schedule can be found at

“Our mission this year is education,” Neihart said. “We want everyone to understand how to protect their horses on different riding surfaces. Arena surfaces have come a long way over the years, and the main point of that progress is to protect the horse from injury. That was a key factor in redesigning the surface in the International Arena at WEF. Experts involved in the construction chose our products, ProTex arena footing and Otto Sport base mats. These two products not only provide stability and incredible drainage, but they will also protect horses from soft tissue damage and injuries due to repetitive concussive forces.”

Premier Equestrian is a leading provider of arena footing products. To learn more, call (800) 611-6109 or visit