Wellington Boat Parade A Popular Lake Wellington Holiday Tradition

Colorfully decked boats will take part in the floating parade.

It is getting to be that time of year when a cool breeze across Lake Wellington means sweater weather and announces the coming of one special evening when residents can see the arrival of a flotilla of brightly decorated and colorfully illuminated vessels decked out for the holidays moving across the body of water.

The armada has appeared for years and has become known as the Wellington Boat Parade, occurring annually in a casual fashion. Boaters just showed up and milled about, then lined up single file and motored around the lake. It was pretty, but there was no real organization.

Then, four years ago, Jack Brownson got involved, providing some structure and coordination to the event, which will occur this year on Saturday, Dec. 12, passing the new Wellington Promenade and the Wellington Community Center at 6:30 p.m.

Brownson said that planning is still going on but that he expects some 45 lighted and decorated electric-motored boats to participate, although there is room for more, if people would like to sign up.

He is working on sponsorships and will be offering awards for the best three decorated boats.

“We will be registering boats, and the village will announce the owner’s names,” Brownson explained.

The plan is to post numbers on each boat to coordinate the votes of the judges.

“There are more participants each year, although last year it rained and cut down the number,” Brownson said. “This year, people can view the spectacle from the new village boardwalk.”

Brownson explained that to coordinate the parade, boaters will stage at the north end of the lake and stressed that only electric motors are allowed on the lake.

For more information, or to get involved, contact Brownson at jbrownson@comcast.net.