Walk/Bike To School Day At Cypress Trails

Wednesday, Oct. 3 was International Walk/Bike to School Day, and Cypress Trails Elementary School had approximately 200 students and parents participate.

Students were encouraged to walk or bike to school in an effort to reduce vehicle traffic, pollution and gas consumption, and improve their health.

This is Cypress Trails’ seventh year participating in this international effort. Those who participated received walking stickers, backpack reflectors, book marks and activity books provided by Safe Routes to School and the Children’s Services Council.

This year, the students have decided to extend walking to more than just one day a year. Cypress Trails students will attempt to walk/bike to school more often and they have incorporated Walking Wednesdays into their weekly routines. The hope is that by encouraging students to walk and bike to school more often, they can make a difference in the community.


Above: Parent Susan Cuccia with her daughters, Joelle, Denise and Emily, employee Kamaldai Anrud, and student James Hunter.