Wellington Earns Award For Workplace Mental Health

Mental Health America (MHA) has awarded Wellington the 2022 Platinum Bell Seal for Workplace Mental Health.

The Bell Seal for Workplace Mental Health is a first-of-its-kind workplace mental health certification that recognizes employers who strive to improve employee mental health and create a psychologically safe workplace for all.

Wellington underwent a rigorous evaluation of its policies and practices in four areas: workplace culture, benefits, compliance and wellness programs. As a Bell Seal recipient, MHA recognized Wellington’s efforts to transform the workplace environment into a more supportive and healthier space where employees can thrive. Village staff recognizes that an investment in employee mental health is an investment in the organization’s social, financial and emotional health.

“The village is committed to providing the best for its employees, and we look forward to continuing to uphold the standards set forth by the Bell Seal for Workplace Mental Health,” said Village Manager Jim Barnes, who thanked Wellington’s Wellness Committee for its thorough review of policies and practices, resulting in the platinum certification.

Learn more about MHA and the Bell Seal for Workplace Mental Health at www.mhanational.org/bestemployers.