Royal Palm Councilman Jeff Hmara Appointed To FLC Legislative Policy Committee

Jeff Hmara

The Florida League of Cities, the united voice for Florida’s municipal governments, recently announced that Royal Palm Beach Councilman Jeff Hmara has been appointed to serve on the Florida League of Cities 2023-24 Transportation and Intergovernmental Relations Committee, one of the league’s five Legislative Policy Committees.

Legislative Policy Committee chairs, vice chairs and members were appointed by Florida League of Cities President Greg Ross, mayor of Cooper City.

As a Legislative Policy Committee member, Hmara will help develop the league’s legislative platform, which details priority issues that are most likely to affect daily municipal governance and local decision-making during the upcoming legislative session, as well as help league staff understand the real-world implications of proposed legislation. Committee members are also asked to serve as advocates for local decision-making throughout the legislative process.

“Through the FLC legislative advocacy process, in which these Legislative Policy Committees play a key role, local elected officials are empowered and equipped to effectively influence the Florida state legislative process in the best interest of our cities and our residents — local voices making local choices,” Hmara said.

Hmara has served in many local government leadership positions, including past president of the Palm Beach County League of Cities, past chair of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council and Transportation Planning Agency alternate member, among others.