RPB Councilman Jeff Hmara Honored By FLC With Home Rule Hero Award

Jeff Hmara

The Florida League of Cities (FLC), the united voice for Florida’s municipal governments, recently recognized Royal Palm Beach Councilman Jeff Hmara with a 2024 Home Rule Hero Award for his hard work and advocacy efforts during the 2024 Legislative Session. Hmara worked tirelessly throughout the session to promote local voices making local choices, protect the home rule powers of Florida’s municipalities and advance the league’s legislative agenda.

“The dedication and effort of these local officials who tirelessly advocated for local decision-making was a difference-maker this legislative session,” FLC Chief of Legislative Affairs Casey Cook said. “On behalf of the league and its legislative team, we’re proud to recognize each of them and thank them for their service.”

Home rule is the ability for a municipality to address local problems with local solutions with minimal state interference. Home Rule Hero Award recipients are local government officials, both elected and non-elected, who consistently responded to the league’s request to reach out to members of the legislature and help give a local perspective on an issue.

“Local government has the best understanding of local challenges and opportunities because of their proximity to the issues,” Hmara said. “It’s our responsibility to educate policymakers about the ‘ground zero’ impacts of state level decisions. It’s up to us to influence their decisions to ensure the best outcomes for those we represent.”

Hmara served formerly as chair of the FLC Transportation and Intergovernmental Relations Legislative Policy Committee and continues to be an active member of this important committee. He has been president of Palm Beach County League of Cities, chair of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council and is an alternate member of the Palm Beach County Transportation Planning Agency.

He continues to serve as a proactive member of the Royal Palm Beach Village Council, striving to educate village residents, listening to their ideas and concerns, while always encouraging their involvement.