Wellington Art Society To Feature Scott Jeffries

The Wellington Art Society will host Scott Jeffries as featured artist and speaker at the group’s next meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 10 at the Wellington Community Center. For info., contact presidentofwas@gmail.com.

If you wonder how he creates his spectacular paintings, Jeffries, who has been doodling since childhood and still has his grandmother’s paintbox and brushes, will tell you, “Don’t be afraid to paint outside the lines.” That describes not just his art but his life. Jeffries has reinvented himself as a professional artist after a series of yet-unbroken high school swimming records, being an All-Star Division 1 athlete, having a successful legal career as a public defender and more.

Jeffries’ art begins with a total absence of sketching or planning, as it blossoms spontaneously into a beautiful melody of faces and shapes that create symphonies of color, sometimes spilling over and off the canvas. He will tell you his lack of a formal art education has allowed him freedom of artistic creativity, unencumbered by established norms.

To browse his paintings and learn more about Scott Jeffries, visit www.scottyjart.com or find him on Instagram @scottart.

The Wellington Art Society is open to artists of all mediums and patrons of the arts, allowing both local and regional artists to display their artwork in local galleries, interact with other artists and serve the community through their art. For more information, visit www.wellingtonartsociety.org.