Author Bruce Maltzman Speaks At RPB Book Club

Author Bruce Maltzman speaks at Brie’s Book Club in Royal Palm Beach.

On Wednesday, April 10, local author Bruce Maltzman discussed his book Be Inspired! with an enthusiastic group at Brie’s Book Club at Starbucks in Royal Palm Beach. Brie’s Book Club is hosted by barista Brianna Strickland and meets at the Starbucks in Southern Palm Crossing, located at 11081 Southern Blvd., every other Wednesday. The next meeting is scheduled for April 24.

Be Inspired! is an inspirational book filled with powerful thoughts and ideas from some of the greatest minds who ever lived, like Einstein, Lincoln, Bill Gates, J.C. Penney and Steve Jobs. Included are profiles of eight giants in the field of self-development, like Dale Carnegie, Richard Carlson, Dr. Wayne Dyer and Stephen Covey. There are also life lessons from influential celebrities, such as Walt Disney and Oprah, as well as legendary athletes like Babe Ruth and Michael Jordan.

Maltzman’s presentation focused on Elaine St. James and how to simplify your life, and on Dale Carnegie and some of his valuable life lessons, including, “True happiness does not depend on any external conditions. It is governed by our mental attitude.”

Maltzman concluded the presentation by reading a short selection entitled “The Starfish Story” from his book, which emphasizes the responsibility to make a difference in the world. Be Inspired! is available on Amazon, and Maltzman can be contacted for group presentations at