Kids Cancer Foundation Enjoys Grand Champions Memorial Day Polo Match

The foundation accepts a check for $130,000 from Nic Roldan’s Sunset Polo International.

Families from the Kids Cancer Foundation attended the Memorial Day Polo Match at the Grand Champions Polo Club on Sunday, May 26. The children had the opportunity to meet professional polo players Nic Roldan and Grant Ganzi during the event.

Sunset Polo International, led by Nic Roldan, presented the Kids Cancer Foundation with a check for $130,000, raised through fundraising efforts. This contribution will support the foundation’s mission of assisting children battling cancer and their families.

The Memorial Day Polo Match at Grand Champions served as a poignant reminder of the power of community and compassion in the fight against childhood cancer. Through partnerships and initiatives like this, the foundation continues to make a positive impact in the lives of young patients and their families, offering support, resources and hope for a brighter future.

For more information about the Kids Cancer Foundation and upcoming events, visit