Wellington Art Society Hosts Installation Dinner

Jan Gmitter (recording secretary), Marcia Greene (director), Susan Oakes (director), Vasantha Siva (corresponding secretary), Heather Bergstrom (president), Leslie Pfeiffer (director), Elaine Weber (director), Faye Ford (director) and Ayesha DeLorenzo (treasurer).

On Saturday, June 8, the Wellington Art Society held its annual installation dinner at Hurricane Grill. New and continuing board members were sworn in by Cynthia George. President Heather Bergstrom handed out a number of awards and gifts to thank members for their help over the past year. The Wellington Art Society aims to support and promote the arts in the local community. It provides opportunities for artists to exhibit their work, offers art education programs and organizes various events to showcase artistic talents. Learn more at www.wellingtonartsociety.org.