KCF Honors Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Score at the Top Academy volunteers Ilene Kent, Gina Proscia, Gianna Marcellino, Yasmine Calder, Noah Soto, Christian Poe and Aidan St. Ama.

On Saturday, Sept. 14, the Kids Cancer Foundation held a Gold Ribbon Party celebration for all children battling cancer and their families at the Wellington Community Center in honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Members of the organization were excited to see many children having fun and enjoying themselves. There were tables with a variety of activities, such as glitter tattoos, Lego bricks and crafts. Food and drinks were available, and a DJ provided musical entertainment. Special guest author Loverly Sheridan made an appearance. Her new book, The Girl with the Beret, spreads a message of awareness not only of childhood cancer but also bullying. PHOTOS BY ERIN DAVISSON


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